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Monday, September 24, 2012

Over the Moon

YAY I'm over the moon!

I have finally launched my online shop at Etsy.. Dreams do come true. I am actually quite a "3-minute hot" person and hence, I could never imagine myself doing something so concrete. View my listings are like wow. Sense of personal achievement. It doesn't matter so much if there isn't any purchases. But most importantly, it's a place to host my collections. :)

Check it out under the My Collections page!

Cameron Highlands Day 2

The 2nd day of tour was a free and easy one. We did not book any tour with Titiwangsa.

The only issue we had is transportation since we didn't drive there. So how do we get our way around?
After consulting the hotel receptionist, we have the option of hiring a taxi.

Min hours to be hired is 3 hours. Each hour is 20 Rm, so that makes it 60 Rm.

With the taxi, we first travelled to Boh Tea plantation!

Beautiful scenery! 

As typical tourists, we took pictures with the signboards.

Tour guide explaining the history of Boh Tea...

Hmm..smells nice. Shower gel made from tea leaves?!

I bought back one pack of this Teacino. Foamy and sweet.

Little cottage outside the exhibition area.

So, after spending half a day... I'm naturally famished. What's new? :P Time to eat some delicious scones and drink Teh at the strategically located cafe. Why strategically located? Cause it presents such a beautiful view of the Boh Tea plantations due to its high elevation.

Imagine...sipping a cup of hot tea and nibbling your scones on a cooling morning. Over looking huge patches of tea plantations..wahhh

The view you get!

After the 1st stop at Boh Tea, it's FREE AND EASY time! We took a cab and travelled to Tanah Rata!  Decided to hunt for this restaurant called KouGen as it has many good reviews online! It is a open kitchen concept restaurant that sells Japanese food.

My oh My. If you do come here. PLEASE. Do not miss trying the FRESHEST california rolls made by them. Take a look. Such vibrant colours and fresh ingredients. I love it! Being the greedy me, I ordered another one after finishing my meal.

After seeing these delicious food, you may wonder, is it expensive? Totally not. It's in fact so affordable for its price that I stuffed myself with so much food during lunch and was too full afterwards. :S haha


Street view at Brinchang. That's where I dyed my hair on impulse. :D

STEAMBOAT again! Nom Nom Nom. I love food.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Who am I and What do I want

In the final year of my studies.

Heard of pre-grad crisis? I'm not experiencing that now thankfully but....I do think a lot about life for me in future. I'm an idealist. By my nature, I think a lot. I often asked rather philosophical questions about life. I have been described as having potential to be an author, writer, counsellor or even a spiritual leader by many personality tests. Well, personality tests can't explain 100% of any individual, so that's why I am currently not aspiring to any of the above occupations.

Have you ever thought deeper about life?

When I was young, I thought that the only place that has jobs is the financial district area. I didn't fathom the thought of people working in the heartlands. I'm not sure why I have such narrow views of job opportunities. And of course, I thought that the only jobs in the world are that of business related. Either you buy "invisible" products, or you buy real products. But now, I see the bigger world.

Yes I study marketing, and I can imagine the job opportunities for marketeers. You simply market the product. But now, I have managed to bridge the gap between the product you see at supermarkets and the product from raw materials. That's where engineers, scientists, researchers etc come into play!

I used to think Science is boring because I don't see the job prospects for it. But now, I think Science is cool. I think more people study Business than Science, so naturally the rarer the cooler.

It's fascinating how people have different perspectives and personality. That's why I think traveling brings about a hard to described kind of feeling and learning. You always get that "WOW" feeling when you step overseas. You see another city, that feels so NEW to you. You'll never get that experience and feeling elsewhere. Similarly, I never imagined myself being able to live away from Singapore. But having done that, I begin to see things in another light.

Every city has a system. The political, infrastructure, jobs opportunities. It's the same. They just take different physical forms.

I feel so intrigued in thoughts.

Yes, I'm an idealist. But I choose to believe I'm also the thinker.

So what does that makes me?

An idealistic thinker?