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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fruitful Work

Sitting outside forever 21 now waiting for dale. In times like this, I wished I brought a book. Since I didn't, let me think about life... Lol

As I am about to start work soon, I ponder about the meaning of work. What is work? Labour? Can work be anything interesting or fruitful?

I thought.

The sales assistant at forever 21 is doing her work. She is assisting customers in their purchases. The customers at forever 21 are technically not doing work. They are shopping. Recalling the book, following Jesus in the real world, work is essentially serving others. Whatever work you do, the common thing is it benefits others. It serves society. And in return, u earn your living. As the book says, ppl often work to live. Few live to work. Work can be fruitful. In the idealistic world, work is about fulfilling your passion. One derives personal satisfaction from work as one puts his abilities to good use. However, things are not as simple as such now. Work is not only passion. It may not even reach the level to be considered passion. Work can be a source of societal pressure from the status it seemingly confers upon individuals.

One of my church friend recently shared a link on a sermon about work. In it, it says that as long as we don't follow the spiritual principle of work, 2 things will happen. We either treat work as too important and then we burn out, OR we treat work as too unimportant and be cynical. And in it, it further mentions that, only when we follow God's principle of work, could we then find rest in working. I gathered my thoughts subsequently. Working for God should mean during work time I work hard at work. But during rest time, I enjoy my rest.

Food for thought.