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Friday, April 22, 2016

Discovering your Strengths - Introduction

When I joined the workforce 2 years ago, I've long heard the saying that most people don't like their job, they simply work for a living. It saddens me greatly to hear that because I've always been interested in helping people find their passion. It gives me inherent motivation to know that you really do love what you're doing. That face lit up with motivation and engagement is what I hope to see among the faces in a crowd. It's hard to find someone passionate about their jobs these days...

As the saying goes:

Work that you do for a living is your job, while work that you enjoy is your career.

Though the majority of the workforce fall into the "just a job" category, I have always held the belief that I could find a job that I enjoy. Why be among the 99% of the majority when you can be that special one in the minority?

Everyone has talents. It's either you are aware of it or you aren't. Being aware of your own talents is exhilarating. There's so much more you could everyday with that knowledge. You feel empowered, confident, and ready to have a fulfilling time no matter the task. Many people like to work on their weaknesses to become better. However, let's be honest here. It takes far more effort to work on your weaknesses compared to making your talents SHINE. I'm not saying that we should ignore our weaknesses, but that fact that we have downplayed the potential that our talents could bring us. I really love the following quote:

"You cannot be anything you want to be - but you can be a lot more of who you already are"
 -Tom Rath

So, let's begin.

I was introduced to StrengthsFinder a while back, and I benefited a lot from the reading and the analysis that I am always sharing about this book whenever I meet anyone. StrengthsFinder 2.0 is authored by Tom Rath and this book introduces you to 34 themes of talents/strengths that one might possess. This book also provides an assessment for you to discover your top 5 strengths. I must say that some of the strengths I have came as a surprise!

So what are Strengths?
According to the book,

Talent (your natural way of thinking, behaving i.e. personality) x multiply by
Investment (time spent practicing, developing yourself, increasing knowledge)

= Strength (the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance)

To help you have a quick understanding of the 34 themes of strengths, I've summarized them into short 1-2 liners below. Hope you enjoy the read!

1) Achiever
Every day starts from zero. You have to accomplish many things in order to feel good about yourself.
2) Activator
Nothing is ever achieved unless action is seen.
3) Adaptability
You’ll never be daunted in any situation. “We’ll see how it goes.”
4) Analytical
If I make a claim, it’s got to be backed up with facts and logical reasoning.
5) Arranger
Last minute changes in schedule or flight timing? No worries, I’ll get them all sorted in minutes.
6) Belief
Your work must be meaningful and in lined with your belief system.
7) Command
Take charge, give orders, that’s your nature.
8) Communication
You like to explain, describe, host and to write in the most vivid manner.
9) Competition
It’s not an excellent job unless it’s better than your peers.
10) Connectedness
You connect the dots and instantly realize the reason behind things.
11) Consistency
No one should get an unfair advantage because of their background or connections.
12) Context
Before making a decision, let’s look at how it was done in the past.
13) Deliberative
Be careful; make each decision vigilantly as if you’re stepping within a minefield.
14) Developer
You enjoy developing people’s potential to help them experience success.
15) Discipline
Routines and deadlines are the best way to reach your targets. You plan diligently.
16) Empathy
You can sense the emotions of those around you.
17) Focus
You need a clear destination. What is my goal and how am I going to get there?
18) Futuristic
Visions of the future energize you. What will I be in 10 years’ time?
19) Harmony
Let’s not argue over this, there must be a common ground.
20) Ideation
Your eyes sparkle when you hear an interesting idea.
21) Includer
Judgement hurts, discrimination kills, no one should be ignored.
22) Individualization
A keen observer of each person’s unique qualities, you build the most productive teams.
23) Input
You’ll never get an information overload.
24) Intellection
You’re the type that takes a 1 hour shower just to focus on thinking.
25) Learner
No room for growth, time to move.
26) Maximizer
Nothing beats transforming something of decent quality to something superb.
27) Positivity
No matter what, there’s always a funny side to life.
28) Relator
You enjoy a deepening of the relationship, that’s the way to understand a person truly.
29) Responsibility
Mind your health, you take psychological ownership for anything you commit to.
30) Restorative
Have a problem? Let me fix it.
31) Self-Assurance
Always trust your own judgement. It’ll be right.
32) Significance
I want to prove myself, to be recognized and admired by all.
33) Strategic
You sort through the clutter, find the best route to conquer.
34) Woo (Winning over others)
Networking energizes you.

It's my goal to be certified as a Strengths Coach. If you'll like to support me on this cause, click here.

For those of you who know me personally, let’s have some fun with a little quiz: Among the 34 themes of strengths, which do you think is my top 5?
Click here to place your votes!