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Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's OVER!

One year. 12 months. Weeks of hard work and determination. It's officially OVER!

Today's thesis presentation went very well. Thank God for His mercy and grace. I was worrying over it the past few days. In a blink of an eye. It was all over.

It's ironic that I spent days worrying but only 1 day to rejoice. Many a times, I worry for nothing. But when it's over, I don't really reflect and learn from it. This time, I will.

What is Faith? I asked my mother yesterday. "If only we humans can stop worrying. Wouldn't everything be smooth sailing?" Not in the sense that there's no challenges in life, but that we would be able to overcome all challenges and not worry unduly about them. I learnt that, escaping is not a solution. Embrace it. Imagine yourself overcoming it and you will feel less afraid. I like to think of it in relation to time. Since time pass so fast, it doesn't make sense to worry so much about it and make your time bitter. Treat every single day equally. Don't let the worry for any day spoil the other days. I know it's hard. But I'll try. :) Worries never end unless I dismiss them as worries.

Friday, April 19, 2013

A really long break.

It's been really long since I blogged. Apologies. Looking at this blog gives me a sense of achievement as I reminisce about how I was so excited about designing and creating a blog to provide entertainment, fun and useful information to others at the very beginning.

How time flies. As I grow older, I begin to appreciate and understand when elders give the passing phrase "you children have all grown up". When I was in my teens, I couldn't really understand this concept of growing older. It didn't really hit upon me that I would eventually become an old granny one day. Elders often say this "it's good to be young. Youth is the best present." I would only smile and nod in agreement, BUT not really understanding and feeling the impact of its deeper meanings. Now that I have aged slightly since then, I think I get it. Especially now that I am soon entering a new stage of my life.

I've always wondered where did the Year 4s disappear to after leaving school. I know they have gone to their respective workplace, but it just seemed as though they all vanished instantly. I no longer spot them around in school. Very soon, it's my turn. I'm going to perform a disappearing act! haha.

Life's a process that you can't turn back. I remember I read somewhere that all things come to an end. No matter which part of your life you are at now, remember to treasure it. That stage will pass. When that happens, look forward to the better future. :)