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Saturday, June 2, 2012

FIMO time? Time for some competitors

It's the weekend again and I most certainly look forward to this as it's time for some...

FIMO Time! 

But this time, I'll be using some clay from the Sculpey brand because I couldn't get hold of FIMO at Art Friend previously. 

I realized that there's a lot of differences in properties between these two brands of polymer clay. FIMO is very hard and brittle. Though I got the FIMO "SOFT" clay, it's still hard. I use some force to pinch some out, and the whole piece breaks offs with little bits falling on the table. So what I do is add a little bit of water to soften it. I have to use my strength to mix in the water and smoothen the clay. Tough job.  

Sculpey is a lot more manageable. You do not add any water. However, some of my Sculpey is more moist than others. So moist that it sticks to any surfaces it touches. On the table, it sticks to the table. When you try to leave it up, it continues sticking to the table. It just LOVES the table. If you force it to leave the table, it goes out of shape like blue tack. Rawr. But if the Sculpey bought is manufactured well, then it's very easy to work with. I don't think you can tell if it's too moist while purchasing it, so just count yourself lucky if it works well. 

Ronnie's Aunt's Birthday is tomorrow and we decided to make a birthday cake out of polymer cake. We found some nice photos of cakes online and decided to model it (though in the end, it turned out nothing like the picture). It was really fun playing around with the clay. Ronnie had a hard time using the plastic rolling pin to flatten the clay because the clay just LOVES the table. Same problem as described above. Thankfully, I somehow managed to subdue it and helped with that rolling step. :P In the process, we also figured a few new uses for the clay tools bought. Yay!

Here is our final product! Bits of roses on the bottom layer of the cake, coupled with a big and cheery sunflower at the top.

Enhancing a little using the "Beauty" effect, here you go! 

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