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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

HR Away Day!

HR Away Day - 26 June 2012

Recently attend a company event - HR Away Day! I'm very fortunate because this is the first time we have this event whereby the entire HR department is able to come together to bond and learn more about what each function does. Of course, it's great to have a day off work! :P And you can expect some real good food coming up. 

Vivian (my HR friend) and I arrived at the venue and was wowed by the gallery of art works! 

Breakfast started out to be amazing! On the plate I am holding below, there is a warm egg topped with bacon and a cherry tomato, and a strawberry muffin cake.

Lunch proved to be even more...

I love desserts! That's why most of my food photos are actually desserts. I love sweet things and I love cream! YES. All the fattening whipped, non-whipped whatsoever, creammmm. mmmmmm yummy

Macaroons for tea break!

In case you start wondering why is there only food? No work to be done? hahaha, here it comes. We have lots of presentation to understand more about how the company is doing in the recent quarter and also lots of discussions to understand what our HR colleagues are busy with for the year.

Of course, there are really fun activities as well. The morning started out energetically as a trainer (I think from Africa) came in to teach us about drums! The drums exercise had a meaning to it. We each have different coloured poles that produces different sounds. For me, I had the green one! The message was, all of us had to listen and work as a team in order to create harmonized music. If any team started playing on their own and not following instructions, then the overall music created would not be nice anymore. This is called, team effort!

After a long day sitting on couches and listening, it's time for some team building activities! This is the best team building activity I have done. See that tennis ball below? It's on top of a metal ring suspended in the air, supported by all the rings attached to it because we are holding the strings and pulling the strings tight. We are supposed to transport the tennis ball as a team and position it on top of the pipes as shown. So what's the difficulty? The catch is, 2 team members are being blind folded! 

When my team saw the trainers giving out black cloths, they were like... O_O are we going to get blind folded?! Thankfully, only 2 lucky team members needed to be blind folded. I actually volunteered to be one of them. I thought, actually, being blind folded isn't that bad. You can to rest your eyes, you don't see the difficulty of the task, you just have to listen and follow instructions and you get an excuse not to be doing anything. Cause you can't see! What can you do? You can only follow instructions carefully and cheer the team on! Simple yea!

Dinner was at Capella. This entire event was held in Sentosa and we saw many peacocks strutting  everywhere. Did you know peacocks can fly?! We saw them flew up to the tree. I thought they are too heavy to do that. Capella is a really expensive hotel. Evident from the decor and food served.

Once again, my favourite. Desserts and CREAM.

Look at these pretty little exotic desserts! The best of all is the strawberry cheesecake. 

Unilever gave each of us a souvenir. It's a thumb drive! So where is the USB stick? Guess it! Just remove the head.

Before dinner starts, there was a small BBQ session. These 2 chefs were grilling beef patties, sausages and prawns for us! It smells so good. 

The prawns were the best. They are so big, so fat and so fresh. 

Dinner time! Main course was good. But... I thought the BBQ appetizer was better. They had a strange type of pasta (see the mushroom looking balls in the photo below). It's like eating balls of sticky pasta. 

Soup was delicious though. Butternut soup. I think it's pumpkin soup from the colour.

We had nice performances during dinner too. A band was playing for us. They sing great and of course they sound great. The guy on the right plays the saxophone. He played it so well that his face was red! hahaha. But that doesn't mean if your face is red, you play the saxophone well! :P

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